所有文章 > API产品 > FastAPI “类视图”管理接口

FastAPI “类视图”管理接口

这里的类视图和常看到的Python Web中的类视图不太一致(常见的类视图仅提供了POST,GET,DELETE, PUT,...等http方法),这里的类视图时将原本的router.get的操作用类来统一管理, 通过装饰器实现。
from fastapi import APIRouter

router = APIRouter()

def index():
return "/index"

@router.get 背后

访问起源码可以看见调到self.add_api_route传了一个func,这个func在上面的代码中就是index这个函数 / endpoint,到这一层就够了
通过上面得知每个router.xx后面都调用了add_api_route,那要实现类视图,需要步骤如下:1. 创建APIRouter示例,2. 将类中的某些方法add_api_route加到APIRouter实例中即可

Controller 装饰器


class Controller:

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""kwargs 等同于APIRouter 实例化入参"""
self.kwargs = kwargs

def __call__(self, cls):
# 创建router实例
router: APIRouter = APIRouter(
# 返回被装饰类的所有方法和属性名称
for attr_name in dir(cls):
# 通过反射拿到对应属性的值 或方法对象本身
attr = getattr(cls, attr_name)
# 简单处理,如果函数返回的是个字典并且endpoint在这里面,就添加到router上
if isinstance(attr, dict) and "endpoint" in attr:
# 然后把router 给被装饰的类上,再返回被装饰类
cls.router = router
return cls

RequestMapping 装饰器


class RequestMapping:

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs

def __call__(self, func):
# 这里这个endpoint 对应的value 就是被装饰的函数
# 返回的内容其实是符合self.api_add_route的入参要求
return {"endpoint": func, **self.kwargs}

测试代码 main.py

from fastapi import APIRouter

class Controller:

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""kwargs 等同于APIRouter 实例化入参"""
self.kwargs = kwargs

def __call__(self, cls):
# 创建router实例
router: APIRouter = APIRouter(
# 返回被装饰类的所有方法和属性名称
for attr_name in dir(cls):
# 通过反射拿到对应属性的值 或方法对象本身
attr = getattr(cls, attr_name)
# 简单处理,如果函数返回的是个字典并且endpoint在这里面,就添加到router上
if isinstance(attr, dict) and "endpoint" in attr:
# 然后把router 给被装饰的类上,再返回被装饰类
cls.router = router
return cls

class RequestMapping:

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs

def __call__(self, func):
# 这里这个endpoint 对应的value 就是被装饰的函数
# 返回的内容其实是符合self.api_add_route的入参要求
return {"endpoint": func, **self.kwargs}

def get_db():
print("模拟db session")
return "模拟db session"

@Controller(prefix="/demo", tags=["demo"])
class Demo:

name: str = "ggbond"
db_session: str = Depends(get_db)

def get_list(self):
return [self.name, self.db_session]

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()


if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn



遇到的这些问题,解决方法其实之前大佬都写好了 https://github.com/dmontagu/fastapi-utils/blob/master/fastapi_utils/cbv.py


解决方法 update_endpoint_signature

self这个方法签名修改成Depends(cls)– 实例化当前类对象,并依赖注入(依赖注入的参数,无需用户传递哦)。

def update_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls_obj):
修改端点签名,将self参数改成关键字参数 self = Depends(cls)
:param endpoint: 端点
:param cls_obj: 被装饰的类 本身
# 获取原始端点函数的签名
old_signature = inspect.signature(endpoint)
# 获取参数列表
old_parameters = list(old_signature.parameters.values())
# 获取原始端点函数的第一个参数, self
old_first_parameter = old_parameters[0]
# 将第一个参数替换为依赖注入 当前类 的参数
new_first_parameter = old_first_parameter.replace(default=Depends(cls_obj))
new_parameters = [new_first_parameter] + [
for parameter in old_parameters[1:]
] # 替换其他参数的类型为 KEYWORD_ONLY,以便正确执行依赖注入
new_signature = old_signature.replace(parameters=new_parameters) # 创建新的签名
setattr(endpoint, "__signature__", new_signature) # 替换端点函数的签名




CBV_CLASS_KEY = "__cbv_class__"

def _init_cbv(cls: type[Any]) -> None:
Idempotently modifies the provided `cls`, performing the following modifications:
* The `__init__` function is updated to set any class-annotated dependencies as instance attributes
* The `__signature__` attribute is updated to indicate to FastAPI what arguments should be passed to the initializer
# 实例化之后就不用实例化了
if getattr(cls, CBV_CLASS_KEY, False): # pragma: no cover
return # Already initialized
# 保留原本的 init
old_init: Callable[..., Any] = cls.__init__
# 获取原本的 实例签名
old_signature = inspect.signature(old_init)
# 删除self
old_parameters = list(old_signature.parameters.values())[1:] # drop `self` parameter
# 改成关键字参数
new_parameters = [
x for x in old_parameters if x.kind not in (inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD)
# 依赖注入列表
dependency_names: list[str] = []
# 返回类 cls 中的所有类型标注,
for name, hint in get_type_hints(cls).items():
if is_classvar(hint):
parameter_kwargs = {"default": getattr(cls, name, Ellipsis)}
# 加入到关键字参数中
inspect.Parameter(name=name, kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, annotation=hint, **parameter_kwargs)
# 替换签名参数
new_signature = old_signature.replace(parameters=new_parameters)

# 实例化时候的处理
def new_init(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
for dep_name in dependency_names:
# pop 会拿到依赖注入的返回值
dep_value = kwargs.pop(dep_name)
# 设置成属性
setattr(self, dep_name, dep_value)
# 再调用原来的实例化方法
old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)

setattr(cls, "__signature__", new_signature)
setattr(cls, "__init__", new_init)



Source: https://github.com/dmontagu/fastapi-utils/blob/master/fastapi_utils/cbv.py

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any, TypeVar, get_type_hints

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends
from pydantic.v1.typing import is_classvar

T = TypeVar("T")

CBV_CLASS_KEY = "__cbv_class__"

def _init_cbv(cls: type[Any]) -> None:
Idempotently modifies the provided `cls`, performing the following modifications:
* The `__init__` function is updated to set any class-annotated dependencies as instance attributes
* The `__signature__` attribute is updated to indicate to FastAPI what arguments should be passed to the initializer
if getattr(cls, CBV_CLASS_KEY, False): # pragma: no cover
return # Already initialized
old_init: Callable[..., Any] = cls.__init__
old_signature = inspect.signature(old_init)
old_parameters = list(old_signature.parameters.values())[1:] # drop `self` parameter
new_parameters = [
x for x in old_parameters if x.kind not in (inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD)
dependency_names: list[str] = []
for name, hint in get_type_hints(cls).items():
if is_classvar(hint):
parameter_kwargs = {"default": getattr(cls, name, Ellipsis)}
inspect.Parameter(name=name, kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, annotation=hint, **parameter_kwargs)
new_signature = old_signature.replace(parameters=new_parameters)

def new_init(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
for dep_name in dependency_names:
dep_value = kwargs.pop(dep_name)
setattr(self, dep_name, dep_value)
old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)

setattr(cls, "__signature__", new_signature)
setattr(cls, "__init__", new_init)
setattr(cls, CBV_CLASS_KEY, True)

def _update_cbv_route_endpoint_signature(cls: type[Any], endpoint: Callable[..., Any]) -> None:
Fixes the endpoint signature for a cbv route to ensure FastAPI performs dependency injection properly.
old_signature = inspect.signature(endpoint)
old_parameters: list[inspect.Parameter] = list(old_signature.parameters.values())
old_first_parameter = old_parameters[0]
new_first_parameter = old_first_parameter.replace(default=Depends(cls))
new_parameters = [new_first_parameter] + [
parameter.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for parameter in old_parameters[1:]
new_signature = old_signature.replace(parameters=new_parameters)
setattr(endpoint, "__signature__", new_signature)

class Controller:

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""kwargs 等同于APIRouter 实例化入参"""
self.kwargs = kwargs

def __call__(self, cls):
# 创建router实例
router: APIRouter = APIRouter(
# 返回被装饰类的所有方法和属性名称
for attr_name in dir(cls):
# 通过反射拿到对应属性的值 或方法对象本身
attr = getattr(cls, attr_name)
# 添加到router上
if isinstance(attr, BaseRoute) and hasattr(attr, "kwargs"):
_update_cbv_route_endpoint_signature(cls, attr.kwargs["endpoint"])

if isinstance(attr, RequestMapping):
elif isinstance(attr, WebSocket):
assert False, "Cls Type is RequestMapping or WebSocket"

cls.router = router
return cls

class BaseRoute:

class RequestMapping(BaseRoute):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs

def __call__(self, func):
# 这里这个endpoint 对应的value 就是被装饰的函数
# 返回的内容其实是符合self.api_add_route的入参要求
self.kwargs["endpoint"] = func
return self

class WebSocket(BaseRoute):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs

def __call__(self, func):
# 这里这个endpoint 对应的value 就是被装饰的函数
# 返回的内容其实是符合self.api_add_route的入参要求
self.kwargs["endpoint"] = func
return self


from fastapi import Depends

from boot import Controller, RequestMapping, WebSocket

def get_db():
print("模拟db session")
return "模拟db session"

@Controller(prefix="/demo", tags=["demo"])
class Demo:
name = "ggbond"
# 带类型标注类属性会被加入到方法中如router.get(db_session: str = Depends(get_db))
db_session: str = Depends(get_db)

def get_list(self, age: int):
return [self.name, self.db_session]

async def ws(self):

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()


if __name__ == '__main__':
import uvicorn


