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【更新时间: 2024.06.24】
CAPIX AI 故事生成API 是一个强大的工具,旨在根据用户输入创建引人入胜的创意叙述。利用先进的自然语言处理和机器学习技术,此 API 可以生成各种类型和风格的故事。用户可以指定剧情元素、人物特征、设置等参数...
免费:100 个请求/月
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什么是CAPIX AI 故事生成?
CAPIX AI 故事生成API是一个强大的工具,旨在根据用户输入创建引人入胜的创意叙述。利用先进的自然语言处理和机器学习技术,此 API 可以根据模式、主题和类型生成故事。用户可以指定剧情元素、人物特征、设置等参数来指导故事创作。
什么是CAPIX AI 故事生成接口?
CAPIX AI 故事生成有哪些核心功能?
1、自动生成故事: 基于用户提供的起始点(如关键词、主题、角色设定或情节大纲),AI能够生成完整、连贯且富有创意的故事内容。
2、个性化定制: 能够根据用户的偏好设置(如故事类型、情感色彩、目标受众年龄等)来调整故事风格和内容,实现高度个性化的叙事体验。
3、情节发展引擎: 利用深度学习算法预测和生成合理的情节转折和发展,确保故事逻辑自洽并充满惊喜。
4、角色构建与互动: 自动或辅助创建具有深度背景、动机和性格发展的角色,并在故事中自然地推进角色之间的关系和互动。
CAPIX AI 故事生成的核心优势是什么?
1、创新性和创造性: 通过学习海量文学作品和叙事结构,生成式AI能够创造出新颖的故事概念、情节和角色,为读者带来前所未有的阅读体验。
2、高效的故事创作: 快速生成完整故事,相比人工创作大幅缩短了创作周期,提高了内容产出速度,适合快速响应市场需求或个人创作需求。
3、定制化和多样性: 根据用户的需求灵活调整故事风格、主题、长度等,满足不同读者群体的偏好,从儿童绘本到成人小说,涵盖广泛的故事类型。
4、高质量的内容生成: 即使在初始输入内容有限的情况下,也能通过算法优化生成高质量的文本,确保语法正确、情节连贯且富有吸引力。
5、减少人为错误: 自动化的故事生成过程减少了因人工疏忽造成的错误,如逻辑不一致或拼写错误,保证故事的专业性和流畅度。
6、持续学习与优化: 通过机器学习机制,AI系统能够不断从用户反馈、数据分析中学习,逐步提升故事的创意、情感表达和整体质量。
7、降低成本: 对于媒体、娱乐和教育行业而言,AI故事生成能显著降低内容创作的人力成本,同时增加内容多样性和更新频率。
在哪些场景会用到CAPIX AI 故事生成?
1、创意写作辅助: 作家和编剧可以利用AI故事生成API来激发新的故事情节、角色构思或世界观设定,作为创作初期的灵感来源。
2、个性化内容创作: 在线平台和应用程序可以根据用户的兴趣和偏好,自动生成个性化的故事内容,如儿童定制睡前故事、个性化小说章节等。
3、教育领域: 教育软件和平台可以利用故事生成API创建互动式学习材料,通过故事讲述历史事件、科学原理或语言学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和效率。
4、游戏剧情开发: 游戏设计师可以利用API快速生成多样化的游戏背景故事、NPC对话和任务剧情,增强游戏世界的丰富性和沉浸感。
5、广告和营销: 创意广告公司可以使用故事生成API来创造引人入胜的叙事性广告文案,或者为产品和服务设计有情节的宣传故事,提高市场吸引力。

请求类型:POST 请求至 "https://www.capix.uz/v2/generate/story/"
Content-Type: 指定请求体的格式,此处为 application/json。
token: 用于身份验证的API密钥。将 "API_KEY" 替换为您的实际API密钥。
mode: 指定故事生成的模式。在此例中,设置为 "Creative"(创意)。
text: 提供有关要生成故事的详细信息的文本。这包括故事主题、背景设定、主要角色、情节细节、解决方式和主题。
word_count: 指定生成故事的期望字数,在此示例中设为 1200。
story_genre: 指定故事的类型。在此例中,设为 "Mystery"(神秘)。
故事生成 API 文档
POST https://www.capix.uz/v2/generate/story/
Content-Type: application/json
jsonCopy code{
"mode": "Creative",
"text": "Story Topic: A Time-Travel Adventure Setting: The story is set in both the present day and the Victorian era. The present-day setting is a bustling modern city known for its technological advancements. The Victorian setting is characterized by cobblestone streets, gas-lit lamps, and the early stages of industrialization. Main Characters: Alex: A curious and adventurous software engineer from the present day who inadvertently discovers a time-travel device. Eliza: A resourceful and intelligent Victorian-era inventor who dreams of changing the future. Plot Details: Discovery of the Time Machine: Alex discovers an old, mysterious device in their attic, left behind by a forgotten ancestor. Experimenting with it, they accidentally activate it and are transported to the Victorian era. Meeting Eliza: Alex meets Eliza, who is fascinated by the time machine and Alex's futuristic knowledge. Together, they explore the possibilities of time travel. A Threat Emerges: A sinister figure from the Victorian era learns about the time machine and wants to use it for nefarious purposes, threatening both the past and the future. Race Against Time: Alex and Eliza must work together to safeguard the time machine and prevent the alteration of history. They face challenges in both eras, blending elements of Victorian society with futuristic technology. Resolution: The story concludes with a thrilling confrontation, and a decision that affects both characters' destinies. Themes: The story explores themes of adventure, the ethics of time travel, the impact of technology on society, and the timeless nature of human curiosity and ambition.",
"word_count": 1200,
"story_genre": "Mystery"
mode: 指定故事生成的模式。
text: 关于故事的详情,包括主题、背景、角色、情节、结局和主题。
word_count: 生成故事的目标字数。
story_genre: 故事的类型。
curl -X POST "https://www.capix.uz/v2/generate/story/" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "token: API_KEY" \
-d '{
"mode": "Creative",
"text": "Story Topic: A Time-Travel Adventure Setting: The story is set in both the present day and the Victorian era. The present-day setting is a bustling modern city known for its technological advancements. The Victorian setting is characterized by cobblestone streets, gas-lit lamps, and the early stages of industrialization. Main Characters: Alex: A curious and adventurous software engineer from the present day who inadvertently discovers a time-travel device. Eliza: A resourceful and intelligent Victorian-era inventor who dreams of changing the future. Plot Details: Discovery of the Time Machine: Alex discovers an old, mysterious device in their attic, left behind by a forgotten ancestor. Experimenting with it, they accidentally activate it and are transported to the Victorian era. Meeting Eliza: Alex meets Eliza, who is fascinated by the time machine and Alex\'s futuristic knowledge. Together, they explore the possibilities of time travel. A Threat Emerges: A sinister figure from the Victorian era learns about the time machine and wants to use it for nefarious purposes, threatening both the past and the future. Race Against Time: Alex and Eliza must work together to safeguard the time machine and prevent the alteration of history. They face challenges in both eras, blending elements of Victorian society with futuristic technology. Resolution: The story concludes with a thrilling confrontation, and a decision that affects both characters\' destinies. Themes: The story explores themes of adventure, the ethics of time travel, the impact of technology on society, and the timeless nature of human curiosity and ambition.",
"word_count": 1200,
"story_genre": "Mystery"

请求类型:POST 请求至 "https://www.capix.uz/v2/generate/story/"
Content-Type: 指定请求体的格式,此处为 application/json。
token: 用于身份验证的API密钥。将 "API_KEY" 替换为您的实际API密钥。
mode: 指定故事生成的模式。在此例中,设置为 "Creative"(创意)。
text: 提供有关要生成故事的详细信息的文本。这包括故事主题、背景设定、主要角色、情节细节、解决方式和主题。
word_count: 指定生成故事的期望字数,在此示例中设为 1200。
story_genre: 指定故事的类型。在此例中,设为 "Mystery"(神秘)。
故事生成 API 文档
POST https://www.capix.uz/v2/generate/story/
Content-Type: application/json
jsonCopy code{
"mode": "Creative",
"text": "Story Topic: A Time-Travel Adventure Setting: The story is set in both the present day and the Victorian era. The present-day setting is a bustling modern city known for its technological advancements. The Victorian setting is characterized by cobblestone streets, gas-lit lamps, and the early stages of industrialization. Main Characters: Alex: A curious and adventurous software engineer from the present day who inadvertently discovers a time-travel device. Eliza: A resourceful and intelligent Victorian-era inventor who dreams of changing the future. Plot Details: Discovery of the Time Machine: Alex discovers an old, mysterious device in their attic, left behind by a forgotten ancestor. Experimenting with it, they accidentally activate it and are transported to the Victorian era. Meeting Eliza: Alex meets Eliza, who is fascinated by the time machine and Alex's futuristic knowledge. Together, they explore the possibilities of time travel. A Threat Emerges: A sinister figure from the Victorian era learns about the time machine and wants to use it for nefarious purposes, threatening both the past and the future. Race Against Time: Alex and Eliza must work together to safeguard the time machine and prevent the alteration of history. They face challenges in both eras, blending elements of Victorian society with futuristic technology. Resolution: The story concludes with a thrilling confrontation, and a decision that affects both characters' destinies. Themes: The story explores themes of adventure, the ethics of time travel, the impact of technology on society, and the timeless nature of human curiosity and ambition.",
"word_count": 1200,
"story_genre": "Mystery"
mode: 指定故事生成的模式。
text: 关于故事的详情,包括主题、背景、角色、情节、结局和主题。
word_count: 生成故事的目标字数。
story_genre: 故事的类型。
curl -X POST "https://www.capix.uz/v2/generate/story/" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "token: API_KEY" \
-d '{
"mode": "Creative",
"text": "Story Topic: A Time-Travel Adventure Setting: The story is set in both the present day and the Victorian era. The present-day setting is a bustling modern city known for its technological advancements. The Victorian setting is characterized by cobblestone streets, gas-lit lamps, and the early stages of industrialization. Main Characters: Alex: A curious and adventurous software engineer from the present day who inadvertently discovers a time-travel device. Eliza: A resourceful and intelligent Victorian-era inventor who dreams of changing the future. Plot Details: Discovery of the Time Machine: Alex discovers an old, mysterious device in their attic, left behind by a forgotten ancestor. Experimenting with it, they accidentally activate it and are transported to the Victorian era. Meeting Eliza: Alex meets Eliza, who is fascinated by the time machine and Alex\'s futuristic knowledge. Together, they explore the possibilities of time travel. A Threat Emerges: A sinister figure from the Victorian era learns about the time machine and wants to use it for nefarious purposes, threatening both the past and the future. Race Against Time: Alex and Eliza must work together to safeguard the time machine and prevent the alteration of history. They face challenges in both eras, blending elements of Victorian society with futuristic technology. Resolution: The story concludes with a thrilling confrontation, and a decision that affects both characters\' destinies. Themes: The story explores themes of adventure, the ethics of time travel, the impact of technology on society, and the timeless nature of human curiosity and ambition.",
"word_count": 1200,
"story_genre": "Mystery"